NSMC case study on use of social marketing for golden snub-nosed monkey conservation

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Fuel wood is a key source of energy for many families in developing areas of China. Fuel efficient stoves are often identified as a win-win solution for forest protections and public health/development in China and across the globe. However, the communication and connection between stoves and biodiversity conservation has been less clear, by both those who are promoting their use as well as those adopting the technology. Social marketing is the application of marketing principles used to sell products applied to “sell” ideas, attitudes, and behaviours to benefit the public good. The Campaign to Protect the Sichuan Golden Snub-nosed Monkey in the Yuhe Nature Reserve, Gansu Province, China, was initiated in 2008 in an effort to inspire communities to protect forest habitat in the reserve, and quickly adopt fuel-efficient stoves. Results of this study show significant increases in knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal communication pre and post campaign (16 – 49 percentage points). A. DeWan, K. Green, X. Li & D. Hayden / Conservation Evidence (2013) 32-36
Research - NSMC case study on use of social marketing for golden snub-nosed monkey conservation
Wildlife: Other Species
Language: EN - English
Country: China