Supp-Urb, European Commission: Sustainable Public Procurement in Urban China: How the Government as Consumer can Drive Sustainable Consumption and Production

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A review of the success factors and lessons learned in a Switch Asia supported project aiming to introduce sustainable procurement in urban administrations through engagement with three Chinese cities , between 2009 and 2011. @ Supp-Urb and European Commission.
Resources - Supp-Urb, European Commission: Sustainable Public Procurement in Urban China: How the Government as Consumer can Drive Sustainable Consumption and Production
Behaviour: Governments
Language: EN - English
Country: China

The SuPP-Urb (Sustainable Public Procurement in Urban Administrations in China) project success- fully introduced sustainable public procurement practices in the three Chinese target cities Lanzhou, Qinhuangdao and Tianjin. The lessons learned show that it is possible in a short timeframe to achieve tangible results and improvements in environmen- tal performance through changing procurement practices. Mainstreaming these successful practices will enable more effective use of public purchasing power for the realisation of sustainable consumpti- on and production patterns in China.