Leaders in behavioural change stimulate innovations on how to reduce demand for illegal wildlife products
The 2nd International Conference Revisiting Efforts to Reduce Demand for Illegal Wildlife Products: Showcasing Best Practice in Behavioural Change sought to build on the collaborations now occurring across the Community of Practice, and empower members to increase their efficiency in several key areas of behavioural science application within a wildlife conservation context.
- To showcase best practices from Social and Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC) application, to catalyse innovation, fresh ideas and pioneering approaches to invigorate current Demand Reduction strategies and interventions for conservation impact
- To stimulate SBCC Community of Practice exchanges of skills, experience and knowledge, to amplify efforts around enhanced coordination, including potentially establishing Working Groups on key topics
We would like to thank all speakers for making their presentations openly available. If you have any questions regarding individual sessions, please get in touch via our contact page.
View the speaker biographies here and a summary of participant feedback here and the full delegate list here.
- Setting the Scene – Gayle Burgess and Steven Broad, TRAFFIC
- Sharing of research evidence into success factors, lessons learned and insights – Gayle Burgess, TRAFFIC
Deepening Our Influence
"Deep Dive" working group and Masterclass themes.
- SBCC: Which of the three? When to Advocate, Mobilise or Change – Eleanora DeGuzman & Megan Hill, USAID
- Strengthening DR Impact: Measurement through a New Methodology – Jamie Walsh & Sonya Vogt
- Reducing the Effort Required to Reduce Demand: Identifying "Catalyst" and "Gateway" behaviours – Sameer Deshpande, Griffith University, & Gayle Burgess, TRAFFIC
- Characterising the Attitude – Action Gap in Conservation, and Identifying What Can be Done – Sara Eppel, & Toby Park, BIT
- Corrupt, Illegal and Selfish Behaviours: What can Behavioural Insights Offer? – Toby Park, BIT [ Watch the RECORDED PRESENTATION ]
Masterclass sessions
- Consumer research masterclass notes – Eugene Kritski
- Script development using behavioral science – Kriss Barker, PMC
- The "Big Picture" for SBCC – Naysan Sahba, UNEP
"Deep Dive" working groups Action
Session focus on identifying actions based on specific group themes.
- When to advocate, mobilise, or change working group output
- "Measuring the tricky things" working group output
- Identifying catalyst and gateway behaviours working group output
- Value/Action Gap working group output
- Behaviour Change Decision Tree - Jamie Walsh
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This page will be regularly updated with additional videos, photos, and materials as they become available. Please contact hello@changewildlifeconsumers.org for any questions on the above resources and don't forget to check our expert directory for contact details for key experts.